3 ways to make people embrace change and innovation despite all odds

An expert on psychological decision-making revealed to us some simple psychological ways of making people more open to change and innovation. Just recently we had the pleasure to talk to Elke Weber, professor of Psychology at Princeton University. She explained to us what it takes to be more innovative in a company (or in general), … Read more

The hidden pattern of inventions

What if there were a common thread between all kinds of inventions and innovations who have shaped our lives? We talked to an expert about that subject who identified several common factors. Pagan Kennedy, who we interviewed for our research about Innovation for the Future of Leadership Initiative (FLI), is undoubtedly an expert on inventions. Between … Read more

Investigating the truth behind innovation

Currently, there is a lot of hype about that topic, but who knows exactly “The Truth Behind Innovation”? Sometimes academic research is too abstract and people struggle to translate the theories into concrete actions in their daily work environment. At the same time, the web is full of materials and suggestions but it’s difficult to … Read more