“AI will always remain a karaoke machine of the human mind.”
A thought leader interview with Andrian Kreye, editor of the Feuilleton at the Sueddeutsche Zeitung on Leadership and the Rise of Intelligent Machines.
A thought leader interview with Andrian Kreye, editor of the Feuilleton at the Sueddeutsche Zeitung on Leadership and the Rise of Intelligent Machines.
The Highlights of our Thought Leader Interview with Infineon CEO Dr. Reinhard Ploss on Leadership and the Rise of Intelligent Machines.
Did you know? The Munich Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM), a joint institution of the Technical University of Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, was the academic founding partner of the Future of Leadership Initiative. In 2013, the FLI founders, Sebastian Morgner and Robert Wreschniok, approached the CDTM management team to discuss a collaboration. The idea: In … Read more
We asked four experts whether there is a success formula to foster innovation: Dr. Hannes Ametsreiter (CEO Vodafone Germany), Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler (Senior Advisor BCG), Lin Kayser (Founder of Hyperganic Technologies), and Hanno Renner (CEO Personio). Is there a recipe for innovation? How can companies, regardless of size and maturity, establish an innovation culture?And how can leadership unleash the … Read more
In Berlin, spring comes with re:publica. FLI spokesperson Laura Bechthold attended Europe’s most important conference on digital culture. Inspired by different sessions, here are some thoughts on the role of leadership in the digital era. Every spring, it is re:publica time in Berlin. For three days thousands of tech enthusiasts, innovators, journalists and policy makers gather to jointly discuss … Read more